On 360 Care Cloud

Go to default home at https://love.360care.me

You can click the “Taiwan, ROC” link for Chinese version.

Click on the Registration button and fill out the required information to create an account on the 360 Cloud.

Team (Group)= Your team/group name (Any name you prefer)

Name= Your Name

Email= Your email address

Password= Your password (We hash your password and the only way to recover it is to request a reset email sent to your registered email to pick a new one.)

Login to the 360 Cloud with the username (email) and password just created.

After successful login, click on the User Account at top-right corner

Select Settings/Your settings

Select the API from the bottom-left side menu

Create a new APP API Token if you haven’t done so

Click the generated token on the screen, you will see QR code on the right.

Please note that this QR code has been invalidated and can’t be used for pairing for your APP.

Don’t close the screen and launch the 360 Care APP

Click the bottom-right camera icon labeled “Scan” to scan the QR code shown on previous step.

The 360 Care App is now configured with an access token to sync measurements to the 360 Care cloud server.

You can click to close the API Token pop-up window now.

How to use the 360 Care APP to sync

Click the button on home screen to register / un-registered (toggle) device which you would like to pair with.

Please DO NOT forget to create an API access token and paired with the APP on the 360 Cloud before using it.

After successful pairing, you can review all of paired devices on the AIoT / Device Mgmt. page on 360 Care Cloud

How to sync measured data to the 360 Care cloud server.

On 360 Care APP

Long click (click and hold for 1-2 seconds then release) the circle button titled “XXXX Paired” on the center of home screen after registration to sync with OMRON Connect APP and upload readings to the 360 Cloud.

ETL vital data on 360 Care Cloud loaded to BPM chart for readings sync. from paired device via OMRON connect might not be in real-time. It could take up to 5 minutes after clean up. Sync Frequency may change based on server load and other variables.

Where to download the  360 Care App

You can find the latest version of our app on the following page.
